About Adult Engrish
Adult Engrish: Eigo Sensei, documents the comical misfortunes of an English teacher's life in Japan. Loosely (and I can not stress how extremely loosely) based on actual events, the idea for a web comic interpretation was inspired by one of the web's best comic creators, Hard.

After the initial bolt of inspiration hit, 12 months later I actually got off my arse and put pencil to paper. And pencil is all it is folks. I would love to have the motivation to ink and colour the strip to try and achieve the same stunning visuals that other web comics provide, but alas, I love sleeping far too much.

I'll try to update the comic as often as possible, but with working full time to try and survive..(fuck I'm a poor cunt) and spending most of my free time looking at the bottom of a bottle, it's a miracle the site got this far. I have pantloads of ideas written down for future strips, mostly inspired whilst in an shochu induced coma, but getting them from concept to creation is another story. Anyway, I hope you all enjoy the comic, support the sponsors who support me.. and come back from time to time for another dose of.. Adult Engrish.